Elisp Posts

Search options in file links | link abbreviations | COME WITH ME on this JOURNEY into the heart of the command org-open-at-point

/Tony Aldon/
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emacs revision: b8b2dd17c57b
org-mode revision: 96d91bea658c

Hey you, unconditional Emacser, fanatic Org user, fearless Elisp programmer,

This post is for you :)

We all have different needs when it comes to taking notes. Fortunately, with org-mode many workflows are possible.

In my case, my notes consist of:

  1. some pieces of text (almost no markups),

  2. many code snippets (inside source blocks) and,

  3. many, MANY links to specific places (function, variables, ...) in repositories that I cloned on my machine.

Today I want to talk about links.

Let's say we are working on the function next-error which is defined in the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el (assuming we have Emacs repository cloned under the directory /tmp/) and we want to add a link in an org-mode file to that function.

How do we do it? How does it work?

In this post, we answer to those questions.

Let's go ;)

To clone Emacs repository under the directory /tmp/, you can run the following command (in a terminal):

cd /tmp/ && git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs.git

Search options in file links

To link to the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el we can use the following "external" org link ("external" means a link outside the current buffer/file, see org#External Links) starting with the identifier file following by a colon : and the path of the file:


As the file name we are providing is "complete" (starting by /, it also works if it starts by ~, ./ and ../), we can omit the file identifier. So, this following link will also works:


Those links (as any links) can have descriptions like this:

[[file:/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el][A DESCRIPTION]]
[[/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el][A DESCRIPTION]]

but in this post we don't consider link's descriptions in the examples.

If we call org-open-at-point (bound to C-c C-o by default) on top of one of the previous links, we'll visit the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el in another window (due to the default value of org-link-frame-setup).

If we just wanted to link the file simple.el, we can stop here.

But, we want something more specific, we want to link to the definition of the function next-error in the file simple.el.

Well, Org provides a way to indicate in the link the search we want to perform in the file we've indicated. This can be done (see org#Search Options):

  1. by adding two colons :: after the "complete" file name and,

  2. adding the "search option" to perform after the two colons ::.

Search by line number

In our case, after visiting the file simple.el, we want the result of the search to place the point at the beginning of the function definition next-error. This definition starts at the line 320 (with Emacs checked out at commit 0e7314f6f1).

In Org link, do do a "search" by line number, we just have to add the line number after the two colons ::.

So, the following link links to the definition of the function next-error in the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el (with Emacs checked out at commit 0e7314f6f1):


While, this works well, this is not my preferred method to link to the definion of next-error, because any time the file simple.el changes, the link to the definition might be broken. Any changes that happened before the line 320 of the function definition next-error that adds or removes lines in some way modifies the starting lines of the function definition next-error.

(For instance before the commit 2ebd950239 (2021-03-16) the starting point of the definition of next-error was at line 329).

Text search

Let's see another type of search, the "text search" type, provided by Org link mechanism, that can link to the function next-error and is perhaps less dependent on the changes that occurs in the file simple.el.

Specifiying the text to search in an Org link is done by adding the text to search after the two colons :: added after the file path.

Recall that the function next-error is defined like this:

(defun next-error (&optional arg reset)
  ;; ...

So, to link to the definition of next-error in the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el, we can use the (text) search option (defun next-error (&optional as done in the following link:

[[/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]

Calling org-open-at-point on top of that link will effectively visit the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el and put the point at the beginning of the function definition next-error.

If you didn't know this was possible, isn't that SUPER COOL?

With those kind of links you can take your notes to ANOTHER LEVEL.

OK... But why didn't we choose another text to search like:

  1. (defun next-error (&optional arg reset)) (the whole line) or,

  2. (defun next-error (just the beginning, up to the name of the function).

In the first case, using (defun next-error (&optional arg reset)) as text search option raises an error because the text starts by a left parenthesis ( and finish by a right parenthesis ). And so, after visiting the file simple.el (in some way) the function org-open-at-point searches a string that looks like (FOO) with org-link-search which will do a search for a code reference (not for the string (FOO)) and will fail.

In the second case, using (defun next-error as text search option puts the point at the beginning of the function next-error-buffer-on-selected-frame. This happens because the search done in the file simple.el starts a the beginning of the buffer and stop at the first match which turns to be at the function next-error-buffer-on-selected-frame which is defined before the function next-error.

Anyway, if you really want to know why the "search option" you've used doesn't work "the way it should works" (note that what you think or I think doesn't matter, the code tell the truth), you can take a look at the function org-link-search.

This is the function that does the search once the file has been visited, where its argument s is the "search option" after the two colon :: in our links.

Link abbreviations

Let's assume that in our org-mode file, we've used the previous described method to link to dozens of functions and variables in the Emacs source code.

What if we move Emacs source code from /tmp/emacs/ to /another-path-to/emacs/?

All our links are now dead.

You might tell me: "what's the problem? You just have to search all the occurences of [[/tmp/emacs/ and replace them by [[/another-path-to/emacs/. There are many way to do this (with the utility sed, or from within Emacs with query-replace for instance)."

And yes this is possible, but org-mode is SO GOOD that it provides a mechanism that mitigates a lot this case of scenario that is call: link abbreviations (see org#Link Abbreviations).

Link abbreviations allow us to declare mappings between abbreviations (that are a word, starting with a letter, followed by letters, numbers, hyphens - and underscores _) and links. And instead of using the links in the bracket links we use the abbreviations.

This can be done:

  1. localy (that means per file/buffer) using the org keyword LINK or,

  2. globally (valid for all org files) defining the mapping in the variable org-link-abbrev-alist.

Let's see how to use it with an example.

An example using #+LINK: statments

By evaluating the following s-exp in the minibuffer (M-x eval-expression):

(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*link abbrev*")
(switch-to-buffer "*link abbrev*")

we create the org-mode buffer *link abbrev* and we display it in the selected window.

In this buffer, we add the following abbreviated link that map the abbreviation emacs to the link /tmp/emacs/:

#+LINK: emacs /tmp/emacs/

Then we add the following link [[emacs]] in the buffer *link abbrev*, that should looks like this:

#+LINK: emacs /tmp/emacs/

1) link to the directory ~/tmp/emacs/~
   - [[emacs]]

With the point (the cursor) on top of that link, let's type C-c C-o (bound to org-open-at-point by default).

What happened?

Our cursor moved to the beginning of the word emacs after the keyword LINK.


Maybe you were expecting something different, like to visit a dired buffer listing the directory /tmp/emacs/.

But, org-open-at-point did a text search in the buffer *link abbrev* from its beginning and stopped at the first match of the word emacs.

This is the normal behavior.

What we forget is to "active" (to set) the abbreviated link in the buffer.

To do so, we can type C-c C-c with point on the line starting by #+LINK:. This restarts org-mode and as consequence, due to the declaration of the link abbreviation set the local variable org-link-abbrev-alist-local to:

(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))

as we can see by running the following with the buffer *link abbrev* being the current buffer:

M-x eval-expression RET org-link-abbrev-alist-local

Now, in the buffer *link abbrev*, with the point on top of the link [[emacs]], by pressing C-c C-o we visit a dired buffer listing the directory /tmp/emacs/.

If we want to link to the file lisp/simple.el in the directory /tmp/emacs/ using the abbreviation emacs, we add a colon : after the abbreviation and the rest of the file name after this colon like this:

#+LINK: emacs /tmp/emacs/

1) link to the directory ~/tmp/emacs/~
   - [[emacs]]
2) link to the file ~/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el~
   - [[emacs:lisp/simple.el]]

Now, in the buffer *link abbrev*, with the point on top of the link [[emacs:lisp/simple.el]], by pressing C-c C-o we visit the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el.

If we want to link to the function next-error in the file simple.el as we did in the previous section but this time using the abbreviation emacs, we use the same syntax. Specifically, after the abbreviated link emacs:lisp/simple.el, we add two colons :: and the search option (defun next-error (&optional like this:

#+LINK: emacs /tmp/emacs/

1) link to the directory ~/tmp/emacs/~
   - [[emacs]]
2) link to the file ~/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el~
   - [[emacs:lisp/simple.el]]
3) link to the function ~next-error~ in the file ~/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el~
   - [[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]

Now, in the buffer *link abbrev*, with the point on top of the link [[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]], by pressing C-c C-o we jump to the beginning of the function next-error in the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el.

The global variable org-link-abbrev-alist

Link abbreviations can be defined globally, by setting the variable org-link-abbrev-alist.

For instance, to define the abbreviation emacs that maps to the link (here file path) /tmp/emacs/, we define org-link-abbrev-alist like this:

(setq org-link-abbrev-alist '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/")))

Assuming we also want to define the abbreviation org-mode (along with emacs abbreviation) that maps to the link /tmp/org-mode/, we can defined org-link-abbrev-alist like this:

(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
      '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/")
        ("org-mode" . "/tmp/org-mode/")))

Note, that per buffer link abbreviations (defined with #+LINK:) take precedence over global abbreviation defined in org-link-abbrev-alist.

How does org-open-at-point work?

Using the macro org-test-with-temp-text to build our examples

As we can read in the docstring of org-open-at-point, this command can "open" the link, the timestamp, the footnote or the tags at point.

This commands is versatile and does a lot.

In this post, we won't discuss all the possibilities offered by org-open-at-point depending on the "context" of the org object at point.

We narrow our "study" to the abbreviated link discussed in the previous section:

[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]

in a buffer where the local value of org-link-abbrev-alist-local is set to:

(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))

We could use an org-mode buffer containing the following content

#+LINK: emacs /tmp/emacs/

[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]

to do our "study", but we prefer to take another approach and build the examples with the macro org-test-with-temp-text that we discussed in the post Did you know that org-mode's source code contains more than 5000 examples?.

This macro allows to evaluate the forms after the first argument being a string that is inserted in an org-mode buffer made current, with the point at the beginning of the buffer if there is no substring <point> in the first argument.

For instance, the action of calling the command org-open-at-point with the point before the first bracket in the previous org-mode buffer (assuming the link abbreviation has been set), could be reproduced by evaluating the following form that uses org-test-with-temp-text:

(org-test-with-temp-text "#+LINK: emacs /tmp/emacs/

<point>[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"

In this previous form, the call to org-mode-restart is used to set the (local) abbreviated link. In other term, to set the local variable org-link-abbrev-alist-local to (("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/")).

And to make everything "transparent", in the preceding form, we can replace the #+LINK: statment and the call to org-mode-restart by a let binding of the variable org-link-abbrev-alist-local in which we call org-open-at-point with the point still before the first bracket:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))

As we've set our working environment, we can continue our tour :)


Before going into the details, we present an overview of the "call stack" implied by the call of the function org-open-at-point in the following form:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))

The "call stack" can be represented like this:

└> org-link-open
   └> org-link-open-as-file
      └> org-open-file
         └> org-link-search

This "call stack" brings some information but not as much as if we had provided the arguments passed to each function for each call.

Here are the function calls with their arguments as they appear when org-open-at-point is called.

First, we have:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))

That leads to this function call:

   (:type "file"
    :path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el"
    :format bracket
    :raw-link "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"
    :application nil
    :search-option "(defun next-error (&optional"
    :begin 1
    :end 55
    :contents-begin nil
    :contents-end nil
    :post-blank 0
    :parent (paragraph (... :parent (section (... :parent (org-data (...))))))))

Which leads to this function call:

(org-link-open-as-file "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional" nil)

Which leads to this function call:

(org-open-file "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el" nil nil "(defun next-error")

Which after visiting the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el leads to this last function call:

(org-link-search "(defun next-error (&optional")

If you are interesting about the details here we go!


Besides a check for some org modules, recording the window configuration and removing the occur highlights from the buffer, org-open-at-point does the following:

  1. check if the user has defined some functions in the hook org-open-at-point-functions (nil by default) that can "open" the link at point:

    1. if this the case, "open" the link with that function,

    2. if this is not the case do other stuff that we discuss below,

  2. after the link has been followed, no matter how, run the hook org-follow-link-hook.

Here are the parts of org-open-at-point we've just discussed:

(defun org-open-at-point (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (setq org-window-config-before-follow-link (current-window-configuration))
  (org-remove-occur-highlights nil nil t)
  (unless (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-open-at-point-functions)
    ;; ...
  (run-hook-with-args 'org-follow-link-hook))

In our case (as the hook org-open-at-point-functions is nil), org-open-at-point enters in the unless block. In, the unless block, org-open-at-point:

  1. locally sets the variable context to be an appropriate org object or org element (as understood by lisp/org-element.el),

  2. locally sets the variable type to be the type of context, in our case, type is equal to the symbol link,

  3. calls an appropriate function depending on the value of link, in our case, the call is the following where arg is the prefix argument:

    (org-link-open context arg)

Here are the parts of org-open-at-point we've just discussed:

(defun org-open-at-point (&optional arg)
  ;; ...
  (unless (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-open-at-point-functions)
    (let* ((context
             '(citation citation-reference clock comment comment-block
                        footnote-definition footnote-reference headline
                        inline-src-block inlinetask keyword link node-property
                        planning src-block timestamp)
           (type (org-element-type context))
           ;; ...
       ;; ...
       ((eq type 'link) (org-link-open context arg))
       ;; ...
  ;; ...

We can compute the value assigned to the variable context by evaluating this form:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))
     '(citation citation-reference clock comment comment-block
                footnote-definition footnote-reference headline
                inline-src-block inlinetask keyword link node-property
                planning src-block timestamp)

which gives us:

 (:type "file"
  :path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el"
  :format bracket
  :raw-link "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"
  :application nil
  :search-option "(defun next-error (&optional"
  :begin 1
  :end 55
  :contents-begin nil
  :contents-end nil
  :post-blank 0
  :parent (paragraph (... :parent (section (... :parent (org-data (...))))))))

So in the function org-open-at-point, our bracket link is parsed into a list that is then passed as first argument to the function org-link-open that way:

   (:type "file"
    :path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el"
    :format bracket
    :raw-link "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"
    :application nil
    :search-option "(defun next-error (&optional"
    :begin 1
    :end 55
    :contents-begin nil
    :contents-end nil
    :post-blank 0
    :parent (paragraph (... :parent (section (... :parent (org-data (...))))))))

We'll look at this function call in a moment, but for now let's get closer to the parsing step.

Parsing step


There are many things we can look at regarding the parsing of this link, but here we restrict our study to the path (value of :path keyword in the plist) and the search option (value of :search-option keyword in the plist).

The way org-element-lineage works and the arguments we gave it implies that the link object we got is the same object returned by the function org-element-context that can be computed as follow:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))

org-element-context returns the smallest element or object at point.

This happens by:

  1. getting the element at point using org-element-at-point,

  2. as this element is of type paragraph, narrow the buffer according to the limits of that element (nothing changed here because the limits of the paragraph are the limits of the whole buffer),

  3. search for a "valid" object (i.e. that belongs to the list returned by (org-element-restriction 'paragraph)) in the narrowed region containing point, iterating over all the objects in the narrowed region using the function org-element--object-lex that returns, starting from point, the next object respecting a given restriction which turned out to be the restriction of the container element.

  4. when the object is found, return it (with its :parent property set "correctly" using org-element-put-property), if none, return the element container.

Here are the parts of org-element-context we've just discussed:

(defun org-element-context (&optional element)
  (catch 'objects-forbidden
     (let* ((pos (point))
            (element (or element (org-element-at-point)))
            (type (org-element-type element))
            ;; ...
        ;; ...
        ;; At a paragraph, a table-row or a verse block, objects are
        ;; located within their contents.
        ((memq type '(paragraph table-row verse-block))
         (let ((cbeg (org-element-property :contents-begin element))
               (cend (org-element-property :contents-end element)))
           (if (and cbeg cend (>= pos cbeg)
                    (or (< pos cend) (and (= pos cend) (eobp))))
               (narrow-to-region cbeg cend)
             (throw 'objects-forbidden element))))
        ;; ...
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let ((restriction (org-element-restriction type))
             (parent element)
         (catch 'exit
           (while t
             (let ((next (org-element--object-lex restriction)))
               (when next (org-element-put-property next :parent parent))
               (if (or (not next) (> (org-element-property :begin next) pos))
                   (throw 'exit (or last parent))
                 (let ((end (org-element-property :end next))
                       (cbeg (org-element-property :contents-begin next))
                       (cend (org-element-property :contents-end next)))
                     ;; Skip objects ending before point. ...
                     ;; move point
                     (goto-char end)
                     (when (and (= end pos) (not (memq (char-before) '(?\s ?\t))))
                       (setq last next)))
                     ;; If POS is within a container object, move into that object.
                     ;; move point
                     (goto-char cbeg)
                     (narrow-to-region (point) cend)
                     (setq parent next)
                     (setq restriction (org-element-restriction next)))
                     (throw 'exit next)))))))))))))

So, the object that org-element-context returned in our specific case is exactly the same as the evaluation of the following s-exp returns:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let* ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/")))
         (parent (org-element-at-point))
         (restriction (org-element-restriction 'paragraph))
         (object (org-element--object-lex restriction)))
    (org-element-put-property object :parent parent)))

which is:

 (:type "file"
  :path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el"
  :format bracket
  :raw-link "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"
  :application nil
  :search-option "(defun next-error (&optional"
  :begin 1
  :end 55
  :contents-begin nil
  :contents-end nil
  :post-blank 0
  :parent (paragraph (... :parent (section (... :parent (org-data (...))))))))


In org-element-context, the function org-element--object-lex, starting at the beginning of the narrowed region, does the following:

  1. searches for the beginning of a valid object matching the regular expression org-element--object-regexp,

  2. moves point to the beginning of the match,

  3. locally sets the variable result to be the previous match,

  4. finds that the character after point matches a left bracket [ (written ?\[ in elisp),

  5. then finds that: a) the second element of result ((aref result 1)) matches another left bracket and b) link is part of the valid object to parse (restriction),

  6. due to the checks done at step 5), calls the function org-element-link-parser to parse the link at point,

  7. then sets the local variable found to be that link,

  8. and finally returned found (the link).

Here are the parts of org-element--object-lex we've just discussed:

(defun org-element--object-lex (restriction)
   ;; ...
    (let* ((start (point))
            ;; ...
        (while (and (not found)
                    (re-search-forward org-element--object-regexp limit 'move))
          (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
          (let ((result (match-string 0)))
            (setq found
                   ;; ..
                    (pcase (char-after)
                      ;; ...
                       (pcase (aref result 1)
                         ((and ?\[
                               (guard (memq 'link restriction)))
                         ;; ...
                      ;; ...
            ;; ...
        (cond (found)
              ;; ...


So, leaving aside the parent of the link object that org-element-context returns, in our specific case the propreties of the link object we are interested in are computed by the function org-element-link-parser, and we can see that by evaluating the following s-exp:

(org-test-with-temp-text "[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]"
  (let* ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))

which gives us the following link object:

 (:type "file"
  :path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el"
  :format bracket
  :raw-link "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"
  :application nil
  :search-option "(defun next-error (&optional"
  :begin 1
  :end 55
  :contents-begin nil
  :contents-end nil
  :post-blank 0))

Let's break down what the function org-element-link-parser does when we evaluted the previous s-exp:

  1. the link at point is recognized as a bracket link via the condition (looking-at org-link-bracket-re) in the second clause of the main cond special form,

  2. then the expressions in the body of this clause are evaluated,

  3. one of them sets the local variable raw-link to be the link matched by the first subexpression in org-link-bracket-re where some string manipulation are realized before expanding the abbreviation part (its first part, which is emacs) using the function org-link-expand-abbrev and replaced it by /tmp/emacs/,

  4. then another expression in that same clause checks that raw-link looks like a file, sets the local variable type to be the string "file" and set the local variable path to be equal to raw-link,

  5. then out of the main cond special form, given that the link is of type file, the local variable search-option is set to be right part (part after the substring ::) of the variable path (still being the string "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"), and then set the variable path to be the left part (part before the substring ::) of itself.

  6. finally, it returns the link object being a list where its car is the symbol link and the cdr is a property list where for instance, the keyword :search-option is associated with the value search-option previously computed.

Here are the parts of org-element-link-parser we've just discussed:

(defun org-element-link-parser ()
  (catch 'no-object
    (let ((begin (point))
          ;; ...
          type path raw-link search-option)
       ;; ...
       ((looking-at org-link-bracket-re)
        (setq raw-link (org-link-expand-abbrev
                          "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*" " "
                          (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
         ((or (file-name-absolute-p raw-link)
              (string-match "\\`\\.\\.?/" raw-link))
          (setq type "file")
          (setq path raw-link))
         ;; ...
       ;; ...
       (t (throw 'no-object nil)))
      ;; ...
      (when (string-match "\\`file\\(?:\\+\\(.+\\)\\)?\\'" type)
        (setq application (match-string 1 type))
        (setq type "file")
        (when (string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" path)
          (setq search-option (match-string 1 path))
          (setq path (replace-match "" nil nil path)))
        ;; ...
      ;; ...
      (list 'link
            (list :type type
                  :path path
                  :raw-link (or raw-link path)
                  :search-option search-option
                  ;; ...
Programming with Elisp is magic

What's magic when programming Elisp code is that at any time we can extract a little part of the program, replace some symbols by custom values, send it to the minibuffer with M-x eval-expression (or pp-eval-expression), press RET, and automatically get back some value in the echo area (or in the dedicated buffer *Pp Eval Output*).

In almost no time, misconceptions about what a program does (or why a program fails) can be spot that way.

Let's say we want to be sure that the following snippet in the function org-element-link-parser does what it seems to do:

(when (string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" path)
  (setq search-option (match-string 1 path))
  (setq path (replace-match "" nil nil path)))

In our example, at that point in the function, the local variable path has the string value "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional". We can test the result of the when condition by evaluating the following:

(string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional")
;; 25

By reading the help of string-match, we know that it returns the index of the start of the first match or nil.

Ok, there's a match.

But, to me the string "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional" is to long with to many repetive characters that don't appear in the regexp "::\\(.*\\)\\'" to wrap my head around what's going on.

So, let's use the good foo and bar words to simplify our discoveries and gain confidence about this piece of code.

In the regexp, the only part "that seems" of interest is ::, so let's try again with the strings "/tmp/foo::bar", "/tmp/foo::" and "/tmp/foo":

(string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" "/tmp/foo::bar")
;; 8
(string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" "/tmp/foo::")
;; 8
(string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" "/tmp/foo")
;; nil

It become clearer. We start to get a sense of the match.

By reading the documentation (elisp#Simple Match Data), we learn (or recall):

  1. that search functions like string-match or looking-at set the match data for every successful search,

  2. and if the first argument of match-string is 0, we get the entire matching text and if it's 1 we get the first parenthetical subexpression of the given regular expression.

So, continuing with the string "/tmp/foo::bar", we have:

(let ((path "/tmp/foo::bar"))
  (when (string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" path)
    (list (match-string 0 path)
          (match-string 1 path))))
;; ("::bar" "bar")

Reading the help buffer about replace-match tells us that this function replaces the text matched by the last search with its first argument. And if we give it an optional fourth argument being a string, the replacement is made on that string.

So replacing the entire match with the empty string "" should remove the matched part of the string:

(let ((path "/tmp/foo::bar"))
  (when (string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" path)
    (replace-match "" nil nil path)))
;; "/tmp/foo"

Now putting everything together we can write the following example:

(let ((path "/tmp/foo::bar"))
  (when (string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" path)
    `(:search-option ,(match-string 1 path)
      :path          ,(replace-match "" nil nil path))))
;; (:search-option "bar"
;;  :path          "/tmp/foo")

And maybe we've removed some misconceptions about this part of the function org-element-link-parser.

Regarding the parsing step of the link, we still have one function to cover: org-link-expand-abbrev.

This function replaces the link abbreviation in the link string looking up at the variables org-link-abbrev-alist and org-link-abbrev-alist-local.

In our case we expect it to transform the link (as a string) "emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional" into the link (as a string) "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional" given that the local variable org-link-abbrev-alist-local is set to '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/")) when we call it.

A bunch of examples are often better to describe function calls than to stare at the source. So, let's do 4 evaluations that shows how org-link-expand-abbrev behaves (given our specific link) and its relation (dependency) with the variables org-link-abbrev-alist and org-link-abbrev-alist-local. To make those example more readable (as done previously), we use as input the "fake" link "emacs:foo::bar":

(org-link-expand-abbrev "emacs:foo::bar")
;; "emacs:foo::bar"

(let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("XXX" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))
  (org-link-expand-abbrev "emacs:foo::bar"))
;; "emacs:foo::bar"

(let ((org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))
  (org-link-expand-abbrev "emacs:foo::bar"))
;; "/tmp/emacs/foo::bar"

(let ((org-link-abbrev-alist '(("emacs" . "/TMP/EMACS/"))))
  (org-link-expand-abbrev "emacs:foo::bar"))
;; "/TMP/EMACS/foo::bar"

(let ((org-link-abbrev-alist '(("emacs" . "/TMP/EMACS/")))
      (org-link-abbrev-alist-local '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/"))))
  (org-link-expand-abbrev "emacs:foo::bar"))
;; "/tmp/emacs/foo::bar"

So, what did we learnt from running those examples:

  1. if none of the variables org-link-abbrev-alist and org-link-abbrev-alist-local are defined the link is not expanded,

  2. If one of those variables is set when we call the function and if the abbreviation is defined in one of them, the link is expanded.

  3. Finally, if both variables are set and defined the same abbreviation, the buffer local wins over the global.

Now by taking a look at its source, we can tell that the function org-link-expand-abbrev works like this:

  1. do a string matching on the link to get the part before the first colon (which might be an abbreviation),

  2. do a lookup for this abbreviation in the variables org-link-abbrev-alist-local and org-link-abbrev-alist, prioritizing the local variable,

  3. if the abbreviation is found, replace it in the link by its replacement text.

Here are the parts of org-link-expand-abbrev we've just discussed:

(defun org-link-expand-abbrev (link)
  "Replace link abbreviations in LINK string.
Abbreviations are defined in `org-link-abbrev-alist'."
  (if (not (string-match "^\\([^:]*\\)\\(::?\\(.*\\)\\)?$" link)) link
    (let* ((key (match-string 1 link))
           (as (or (assoc key org-link-abbrev-alist-local)
                   (assoc key org-link-abbrev-alist)))
           (tag (and (match-end 2) (match-string 3 link)))
      (if (not as)
        (setq rpl (cdr as))
         ;; ...
         (t (concat rpl tag)))))))

In those examples showing how the function org-link-expand-abbrev works, we've left aside other super cool features of abbreviated links that we can read in the info node (see org#Link Abbreviations).

We've finished our tour of the parsing step that happened in org-open-at-point when we try to "open" the link

[[emacs:lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional]]

in an org-mode buffer where the local variable org-link-abbrev-alist-local is set to '(("emacs" . "/tmp/emacs/")).


Now that we've looked at the parsing step that happened in org-open-at-point, what we want to understand is the following function call (where nil is due to the way we called org-open-at-point, without any prefix argument):

   (:type "file"
    :path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el"
    :format bracket
    :raw-link "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional"
    :application nil
    :search-option "(defun next-error (&optional"
    :begin 1
    :end 55
    :contents-begin nil
    :contents-end nil
    :post-blank 0
    :parent (paragraph (... :parent (section (... :parent (org-data (...))))))))

The function org-link-open decides what to do next according to the type of the link:

  1. As our link is of type file, org-link-open will delegate the work to the function org-link-open-as-file.

  2. To do so, it builds up a path concatenating the corresponding value of the property :path and :search-option of the link separating them by two colons ::. This path is locally stored in the variable path. This variable will be the first argument passed to the function org-link-open-as-file.

  3. Then, it checks if we passed a prefix argument to org-link-open or if the application (:application) specified in the link is "emacs" or "sys". In our case, none are true, so the last argument passed to the function org-link-open-as-file will be nil.

So now, fate is in the hands of the function org-link-open-as-file, and more specifically, the following call:

(org-link-open-as-file "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional" nil)

Here are the parts of org-link-open we've just discussed:

(defun org-link-open (link &optional arg)
  (let ((type (org-element-property :type link))
        (path (org-element-property :path link)))
    (pcase type
       (let* ((option (org-element-property :search-option link))
              (path (if option (concat path "::" option) path)))
         (org-link-open-as-file path
                                (pcase (org-element-property :application link)
                                  ((guard arg) arg)
                                  ("emacs" 'emacs)
                                  ("sys" 'system)))))
      ;; ...


The function org-link-open-as-file does the following:

  1. split the given path "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el::(defun next-error (&optional" into two parts a) option (which is "(defun next-error (&optional") and b) file-name (which is "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el").

  2. as file-name doesn't follow a pattern expected to be open with dired, check if the string option represents a number, and so the search in the file would happened jumping to the line with that number, if not this will be a text search which is our case. This is done to determinate the last arguments passed to the function org-open-file which return.

So, now the "control" is passed to the function org-open-file as follow:

(org-open-file "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el" nil nil "(defun next-error")

As the function org-link-open-as-file is short enough, we reproduce it totally:

(defun org-link-open-as-file (path arg)
  (let* ((option (and (string-match "::\\(.*\\)\\'" path)
                      (match-string 1 path)))
         (file-name (if (not option) path
                      (substring path 0 (match-beginning 0)))))
    (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory file-name))
        (dired file-name)
      (apply #'org-open-file
             (cond ((not option) nil)
                   ((string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+\\'" option)
                    (list (string-to-number option)))
                   (t (list nil option)))))))

We get close to the end of this post ;)

We just need to look at the function org-open-file.


The main part of org-open-file is to determine which application to use to open the file taking into account its arguments and user options (specifically org-file-apps and org-link-frame-setup).

In our case, as the first association in org-file-apps is (auto-mode . emacs) (by default) and the extension of the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el (which is .el) matches one of the car of the associations in auto-mode-alist, the function org-open-file locally sets the variable cmd to the symbol emacs.

As consequence, in the main cond special form of org-open-file, the expressions in the body of the clause with the condition (or (stringp cmd) (eq cmd 'emacs)) (which evaluate to t) are evaluated.


  1. a lookup in the alist org-link-frame-setup returns the function to use to visite files, which is find-file-other-window by default,

  2. this function is used to visit the file /tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el,

  3. once the file is opened, removed the narrowing restriction from the current buffer (using widen),

  4. and finally do the search for the text "(defun next-error (&optional" using the function org-link-search.

Thus, SKIPING all the details (that makes org-open-file functional in real life), specifically the lookups in the alist org-file-apps, the function org-open-file in our case can be reduced to the following form:

(let ((file "/tmp/emacs/lisp/simple.el")      ; first argument of `org-open-file'
      (search "(defun next-error (&optional") ; last urgument of `org-open-file'
      (f (cdr (assq 'file org-link-frame-setup))))
  (funcall f file)
  (org-link-search search))

Here are the parts of org-open-file we've just discussed:

(defun org-open-file (path &optional in-emacs line search)
  (let* ((file (if (equal path "") buffer-file-name
                 (substitute-in-file-name (expand-file-name path))))
         (file-apps (append org-file-apps (org--file-default-apps)))
         (apps (cl-remove-if #'org--file-apps-entry-dlink-p file-apps))
         ;; ...
         (a-m-a-p (assq 'auto-mode apps))
         (dfile (downcase file))
         ;; ...
          ;; ...
         cmd link-match-data)
     ;; ...
      (setq cmd (or
                 ;; ...
                 (assoc-default dfile
                                (org--file-apps-regexp-alist apps a-m-a-p)
                 ;; ...
    ;; ...
     ;; ...
     ((or (stringp cmd)
          (eq cmd 'emacs))
      (funcall (cdr (assq 'file org-link-frame-setup)) file)
      (cond (line (org-goto-line line)
                  (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-reveal)))
            (search (condition-case err
                        (org-link-search search)
                      ;; Save position before error-ing out so user
                      ;; can easily move back to the original buffer.
                      (error (funcall save-position-maybe)
                             (error (nth 1 err)))))))
     ;; ...
    ;; ...



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