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Questions and Answers

Did you know that org-mode's source code contains more than 5000 examples?

Back to Did you know that org-mode's source code contains more than 5000 examples?

How do you count 5000 examples?

Any should, should-not and should-error used in a ert test in the testing directory of org-mode repository is counted as an example.

So now, to count all the examples, we have to count all those form and this can be done by searching recursively in the testing directory for the string (should.

This can be done using grep to match recursively the string (should in testing directory and counting the number of line with wc utility:

# org-mode at commit cbe3f2d69
cd org-mode/testing/
grep -r '(should' | wc -l

Org Speed Keys! BOOM! Great org-mode's feature! And a good OPPORTUNITY to talk about self-insert-command

Back to Org Speed Keys! BOOM! Great org-mode's feature! And a good OPPORTUNITY to talk about self-insert-command

How are speed keys different from/better than evil-mode? Does speed keys can be use along with evil-mode?

Quick answer

  1. If we are in evil normal state <N>, Org speed keys won't work (because most of the printing keys are used for something else, specifically they are bound in evil-normal-state-map),

  2. if we are in evil insert state <I> or in evil emacs state <E>, Org speed keys works (because the printing keys are not bound by evil-mode in evil-insert-state-map nor in evil-emacs-state-map).

Answer with more details

Org speed keys are not better than evil-mode nor the other way, they are really differents.

Org speed keys

Org speed keys are a kind of a "hack" that hijack the "inserting emacs process".

It can be seen as: when we try to insert a character, do not use the standard command for inserting, use another one that checks for the position of the cursor in the buffer, if it is at a specific location, performs a lookup for the command to call, if we find one, call it, if none, insert the character. It is all about one command self-insert-command and one remapping self-insert-command to org-self-insert-command.


evil-mode manipulates the hierarchy of all the keymaps that are active, making the current evil "state" map to win over the others.

We can check this by inspecting the list of the current active keymaps with the function current-active-maps. If the same key sequence is bound several times to different commands in the list returned by current-active-maps, the first binding in the list wins over the others.

For instance, when we are in evil normal state <N>, the bindings in the keymap evil-normal-state-map takes precedence (over almost all) the other binding in the current active maps, and will appear at the beginning of the list returned by current-active-maps.

Assuming we are in evil normal state <N>, to check this previous assertion, we can run:

M-x pp-eval-expression RET (current-active-maps)

Now, if we switch to the evil insert state <I>, the bindings in the keymap evil-insert-state-map takes precedence (over almost all) the other binding in the current active maps, and will appear at the beginning of the list returned by current-active-maps.

Assuming we are in evil normal state <I>, to check this previous assertion, we can run:

M-x pp-eval-expression RET (current-active-maps)

Now, what's interesting, is that evil insert state <I> doesn't bind the printing keys nor remap the command self-insert-command. So, when we are in evil insert state <I>, and we press the key n for instance, the "command loop editor", when perfoming the key lookup in the current active maps, won't find the binding coming from the keymaps evil-insert-state-map but the binding coming form the current global map which resolves (by default) to the command self-insert-command. And, if we've remapped self-insert-command to org-self-insert-command, (which is the case in org-mode with org-use-speed-commands set to t), the "command loop editor" will call org-self-insert-command.

Is there a good reason for the entry point to be a variable switch, and for the bindings to be managed by a list, instead of having a minor mode layering its keymap onto standard org-mode bindings?

I think that the benefit of this approach (remapping self-insert-command to org-self-insert-command) over having a minor mode layering its keymap onto standard org-mode is that we don't have to switch between keymaps or minor modes to get the feature.

Let's say we define a minor mode X-mode with the keymap X-mode-map that binds the key n to org-next-visible-heading.

Now, when X-mode is turned on, X-mode-map "wins" over org-mode-map and typing n will get us (from anywhere in the buffer) to the next heading.

Now, what should we do to insert the character n in the buffer? We should turn off X-mode to remove the binding from X-mode-map.

With the remapping method we don't have to switch between minor modes before moving to the next heading by typing n. The only restriction is to be at the beginning of a heading. There is always a trade off.

I don't know if it is a good reason but this the only one that I see.

Back to Search options in file links | link abbreviations | COME WITH ME on this JOURNEY into the heart of the command org-open-at-point

Is there a way to make clickable noweb references <> in source blocks in order to jump to its block definition?

What we want to accomplish here is to jump to the definition of a noweb block, let's say my-noweb, by calling a command (maybe org-open-at-point) when the point is on a reference <<my-noweb>> of that block, for instance in an org buffer with the following content:

#+NAME: my-noweb
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq sentence '(foo bar baz))

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes :results value verbatim
(reverse sentence)

: (baz bar foo)

This can be done in at least two ways.

Using the built-in command org-babel-goto-named-src-block

First, we can use the built-in command org-babel-goto-named-src-block (bound to C-c C-v g by default).

After calling org-babel-goto-named-src-block with the point on top of the reference <<my-noweb>>:

  1. we're asked in the minibuffer to choose a name,

  2. we pick the noweb ref my-noweb, press RET,

  3. we jump to the source block named my-noweb.

Using the hook org-open-at-point-functions

Second possibility, we can define a command that jump to a noweb block definition when we call it with the point on top of a noweb reference without prompting anything in the minibuffer.

Then we can call it directly or better (if it's the behavior we want) we can add this command to the variable org-open-at-point-functions.

And, now in a source block with the point on top of a noweb reference, we can call org-open-at-point (C-c C-o by default) which will call this new command and jump to the noweb block definition at point (instead of running org-babel-open-src-block-result).

Here an implementation of such a command that we call org-goto-noweb.

(require 'org)

(defun org-noweb-ref-p ()
  "Return the noweb reference at point if any.
If not return `nil'."
  (let* ((context (org-element-context))
         (type (org-element-type context))
          (and (memq type '(inline-src-block src-block))
               (org-in-regexp (org-babel-noweb-wrap)))))
    (when noweb-ref
       (+ (car noweb-ref) (length org-babel-noweb-wrap-start))
       (- (cdr noweb-ref) (length org-babel-noweb-wrap-end))))))

(defun org-goto-noweb ()
  "Go to the noweb ref at point."
  (when-let ((ref (org-noweb-ref-p)))
    (let ((point (org-babel-find-named-block ref)))
      (if point
          ;; Taken from `org-open-at-point'.
            (goto-char point)
            ;; return non-nil, in order to use it in
            ;; the variable `org-open-at-point-functions'
        (message "source-code block `%s' not found in this buffer" ref)))))

(add-to-list 'org-open-at-point-functions #'org-goto-noweb)

And here the ert test for the command org-goto-noweb:

;; from org-mode: testing/org-test.el
(defmacro org-test-with-temp-text (text &rest body)
  "Run body in a temporary buffer with Org mode as the active
mode holding TEXT.  If the string \"<point>\" appears in TEXT
then remove it and place the point there before running BODY,
otherwise place the point at the beginning of the inserted text."
  (declare (indent 1))
  `(let ((inside-text (if (stringp ,text) ,text (eval ,text)))
         (org-mode-hook nil))
       (let ((point (string-match "<point>" inside-text)))
         (if point
               (insert (replace-match "" nil nil inside-text))
               (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
           (insert inside-text)
           (goto-char (point-min))))
       (font-lock-ensure (point-min) (point-max))

(ert-deftest org-goto-noweb-test ()
       "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
(reverse sentence)
       "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
(reverse sentence)

  ;; source blocks
       "#+NAME: my-noweb
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq sentence '(foo bar baz))

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
(reverse sentence)
     (looking-at "\(setq")))
       "#+NAME: my-noweb
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq sentence '(foo bar baz))

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
(reverse sentence)

  ;; inline source blocks
       "#+NAME: my-noweb
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq sentence '(foo bar baz))

     (looking-at "\(setq"))))